Set a Vision for Your Business

Take the time to figure out what you want your business to be in the next year.

Get Control of Your Calendar

Once you know exactly how you're spending your time, you can better manage it.

Focus on the Right Things

Productivity is more than a to-do list. Focus on moving your business forward.

Stop Spinning Your Wheels

Do you end each day wondering where the time went? You were busy, yet didn't accomplish anything of substance. 

• Once again, you pushed an important project aside to answer emails. 

• You planned to devote a few hours to content creation, but got sucked into meetings.

• You haven't had time to even look at the goals you set at the beginning of the year. 

• Your life feels chaotic and unorganized. You wake up feeling overwhelmed.

You wanted a life of entrepreneurial freedom, but you're working more than ever. There is a better way.

Build the Entrepreneurial Life You Want

Many entrepreneurs find their days consumed by social media, emails and other distractions. They feel busy but aren't accomplishing the work that will really move their business to the next level.

Entrepreneur, food blogger and podcast host Megan Porta has been there. She spent eight years trying to grow her business - the wrong way. Then, she discovered the power of planning, time management and working more efficiently. 

Megan's business started booming and she was able to launch new products and services. She did all that without working more hours. In fact, she took the summer off to travel with her family. 

She's passionate about sharing her system with fellow business owners. As a result, Megan combined the best practices of vision, goal setting, time management and discipline into one powerful package. This online course teaches entrepreneurs how to manage their time for increased focus and productivity. 

How Entrepreneurs Like You Learned to Work Smarter, Not Harder

Jessica Gavin

Food Scientist, Author and Blogger at

“Megan provided really simple techniques and tools to make time for the things I want in my life. She’s taught me the importance of intensely focusing on each task, and protecting my time. I’ve gained control back in my life, and achieved the balance I’ve been searching for. I wake up feeling energized and looking forward to each day!”

Melissa Erdelac

Food Blogger at

“I took this course because I'm great at ‘visioning,’ but wanted to hold myself accountable for following through. Thank you for giving me the tools to not only hone in on what I need to get accomplished, but how to execute my plan of attack efficiently!”

Bernie Dezenski

Food Blogger at

“Since taking this course I've been more productive than the last 5 years I've been in business! I had a bad habit of procrastinating, working without a set editorial calendar and wasting precious time personally and professionally! I highly recommend this course for anyone who wants to gain control of both their business and personal life!”

Take Your Business to the Next Level

This course is much more than a goal-setting session or time management tricks. Megan Porta walks you step by step through a process that leads to systematic changes. You'll establish entirely new processes that will stick long after the course is completed.

Emotion and mindset as the foundation

Cast a one-year vision for your business

Complete a time-tracking challenge 

Learn how to overcome frustrations

Turn your vision into goals for your business

Create a weekly calendar and action steps

Establish habits and efficient systems

Tips to stay focused and beat distraction

Understand the power of perseverance

Get the Success You Deserve

You want to be a focused and confident entrepreneur. In order for that to happen, you need to get control over your time and tasks. The problem is you can't find a simple system to help you organize your schedule and focus on what's most important. You're left feeling overwhelmed by your workload and discouraged your business isn't growing the way you want. You work hard and deserve to experience the business success you desire.

Many entrepreneurs struggle to fight distractions and stay focused. Their days are busy and yet they aren't tackling the projects that will really move their business forward. 

This online course teaches entrepreneurs how to manage their time for increased focus and productivity. With a clear vision and an organized calendar, your business will flourish.

Go From Frazzled to Focused in 3 Steps

It's time to try a new approach to organizing your business and your days.

Buy the course. This is an investment in your business, your future and your sanity as a busy entrepreneur.
Complete the videos and worksheets. In two hours, you can watch the video series and then work through the assignments.
Celebrate your newfound focus and freedom. End each day feeling accomplished instead of being frazzled and wondering where the day went.

What's My Investment?

Your one-time purchase includes:

Access to the 7-part course (2 hours of content)

Worksheets and templates  

Private Facebook Group

What Makes This Course Different?

You've tried other productivity courses, fancy planners and expensive software. 

It's time to try something created by an entrepreneur for entrepreneurs. 

Systematic approach

Many courses tackle just one aspect of productivity. This course is a complete system, taking you step by step from vision to execution. 

Time logging

Get a grasp on how you spend your days. Log your time to see what’s stealing your attention and then create a plan to take back your time.

Long-term strategy

True success comes from making a lasting change. Understand the root cause of your struggles so you can make new habits that stick.

Get Started Today Boosting Your Productivity With These Free Tools

The Content Strategy Guide will:

✓ Help you focus on the topics that are going to serve your audience.

✓Allow you to spend your precious time and energy on projects that are going to help you grow a raving audience, it will increase the amount of traffic you get and the money you make.

The Editorial Calendar Planning Guide will:

✓ Allow for easy communication between team members.

✓ Open up time and mental space for other projects.

✓ Eliminate stress that comes with last-minute scrambling to get content created and posted.

✓ Ensure you are delivering quality, relevant content to your audience while giving you ample time to pack it with the richness they need and crave.

Ditch the Overwhelm ... For Good

You became an entrepreneur to follow a passion. Has your passion gotten buried in a sea of to-do lists and distractions? Are you overcome with overwhelm? 

Reignite your passion. Take back control over your days. Devote your time and attention to projects that grow your business. Stop spinning your wheels and instead get a system that will take you from frazzled to focused.

Are You Ready to Ditch the Overwhelm?

From Frazzled to Focused